A "theerthadanm" (pilgrimage) is organized every year at Gururdevagiri in the month of February in connection with the Prathishta (consecration of temples) anniversary (9-11 February). Thousands of Guru devotees participate from all over India. It is held on the lines of Sivagiri theerthadanam and is followed by a public function where renouned devotees of Guru and public figures speak on various subjects related to the issues prescribed by Guru.

Main participants come from the 28 units of SNMS in and around Mumbai and take procession in yellow clothes accompanied by floats on various themes and chanting of prayers and music. The procession is organized on the 10th followed by the public function. Prathishta anniversary poojas and ceremonies are cinducted on the following day with the participation of thousands of devotees.

The "Holy Teeth" of Guru is also opened for public viewing once a year on the Theerthadanam day.